In unit number 6, we are studying health and prevention. For that reason, I decided to show you some typical accidents that we, sometimes, have to face in our lives and our quick reaction is not always the best...or even may get the situation worse.

I am going to show you some images with some possible events, and you have to decide what to do in every situation.

*More than one answer may be right.

I will post the possible answers this week.

Let´s see how you do it!

The oil on a pan is burning. What can you do?

a) I open the window so the smoke goes out as soon as possible.

b) I pour some water on it to put out the fire.

c) I hit the pan with some clothes to put out the fire.

d) I cover the pan with a lid

    A fire has started on your livingroom, the flames are not very high, but the smoke is quite abundant. What can you do?

a) I open the window so the smoke can go out and I can breathe better.

b) I call emergency as soon as possible.

c) I hit the flames with clothes trying to put out the fire.

d) I close the door and leave the house. 

    I consider there is much vapour coming out from the pressure cooker and your parents are not home. What can you do?

a) I open the lid so the vapour goes out and the cooker cools down.

b) I move the pressure cooker away from the stove.

c) I turn down the temperature of the stove.

d) I call my parents to ask for it

   You are helping your parents cooking and you cut yourself a little when chopping some vegetables. You notice that you are bleeding. What  can you do?

a) I put my hand under the sink tap for several minutes so I clean the wound.

b) I cover the wound with some toilet paper and I press for several minutes.

c) I cover the wound with some toilet paper and I change the paper every 2 minutes so it is always clean.

d) I freak out and shout! I promise myself to stop cooking forever!


1. If the oil on a pan is burning, the best option is to cover it with a lid. When all the oxygen disappears, the fire will be extinguished. 

If we open the window, probably the flame will get higher and more dangerous. If we hit the pan with some clothes, these clothes may absorb some oil and the fire will become worse. 

Finally, the worse option is to pour some water on the pan because the fire will increase suddenly and it will become really dangerous.

2. The worse option in this case is to open the windows because more oxygen will enter the room and the flames will get higher. If we hit the flames with some clothes, it may be useful if the fire is very little, but it will be useless if the fire is big. 

The best options will be: if we have the possibility, close the door so the oxygen doesn´t get into the room and call emergency as soon as we can.

3. The pressure cooker is a very useful object when cooking. However, it may be dangerous because it mixes high temperatures and pressure. If we don´t know how it works, the best thing is to call our parents so they can tell us what to do if we think something is wrong with it. Maybe they tell us to move it away from the stove or turn the temperature down,

But NEVER open it when it is hot because it may act as a bomb.

4. When we cut ourselves, if the wound is not very very deep, we have to clean it with a little piece of paper and press it until it stops bleeding. 

Don´t change the paper because the wound will start bleeding again. 
Don´t put the wound under the sink tap because, the water will not allow the cut to stop bleeding.
