I am going to challenge you. In the first four units, we have studied the Spanish and European geography, and just to check if you remember it, I have picked up some images that belong to different places of Spain.

What I want you to do is try to guess, approximately, where you think these places are (the region, the city or the autonomous community)

You can pay attention to the climate, the vegetation, how you think the precipitation is, the most important economic sectors in those places (primary, secondary or tertiary), the relief, or even the buildings that you see... All these factors will provide some evidence.

You can challenge your family as well!!

 Good luck! ;)












1. If you have located this image to the north of the Iberian Peninsula, you are right! The picture shows Arriondas, which is a little town in Asturias. The vegetation and distance among some of the houses and farms, are big clues. The mountains that we see in the background belong to the Cantabrian Range.

2. This picture shows Benidorm (Valencia). We can guess it is the Mediterranean coast because of the scarce vegetation and the type of beach. The high buildings are, in many cases, hotels prepared to receive tourism in summer (another characteristic of this area).

3. This picture shows the Cape Finisterre (Galicia). We can guess this landscape is located to the north of the Iberian Peninsula because of the relief and the vegetation. The huge cliffs that we see are characteristic of this area. The continuous movement of the water may indicate that it is an ocean.

4. The picture shows Jaen, to the south of the Iberian Peninsula. The Olive tree is very famous in this area and it can give us a clue of the location of the picture.

5.The town that we see on the picture is Mojacar (Almeria). The town is located to the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The colour of the houses is an important characteristic of this area. They are white to avoid the high temperatures inside the houses in summer. The scarce vegetation may be another clue.

6.The picture shows an area located in Badajoz (Extremadura). The trees and the flat area may give us a clue. We see that, apart from the trees, there are not too many plants; this may be because of the livestock that eat all the pastures and keep the area clean. Activities that belong to the primary sector (such as livestock), are the most important ones in this region.

7. I´m sure you all got this one...! Yes, it is Navalcarnero (Madrid). The huge flat area that we see is the Inner Plateau. The way that all the landscape is modified, the kind of cultivated fields that we see and the scarce vegetation are the main clues.

8. This beautiful landscape belongs to Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The main characteristic is the black colour of the sand on the beach, because of its volcanic origin.

9. This picture is Santillana del Mar (Cantabria). The ways that we have to guess its location are similar that the ones we used to guess picture number 1. The buildings, the abundant vegetation and its relief are the main clues.

10. Finally, this is an image of a little town to the south of Madrid called (Seseña). As you can see, it is similar than the picture of Navalcarnero. The flat area, the cultivated fields and the scarce vegetation are the main clues.
